
Below is a selection of the latest projects i have been involved with, please click the image to enlarge:

My Personal Site
To set-up and develop my own portfolio website, currently not live.

Back-end validation login
To the right is the login screen to back-end CMS side of my site. This allows  for once unique user has been created to request the hashed password in a MYSQL query. If the criteria is met the user is directed to the next screen. If not, the user is advised to either check the login is correct or highlights the error if one of the fields is correct. This incorporates the session function to remain logged in with that user.

Mailto contact form
Predefined input boxes giving the user the ability to enter text in the required fields, with further validation allowing for messages to be sent directly to the admin. Upon submission a confirmation window appears confirming the action then redirect's the user to the home page via a PHP mailto form, which processes the $_post strings request.
User defined CRUD forms
Once logged into the back-end of the site users are permitted to create new pages by inserting values into predefined array's. Along with modify settings to make the page visible or not, change the position on the navigation bar and add or update content through update queries. Finally the user has the ability to delete the page which includes a conformation box.

Image slider automation
Coded using HTML list items, a background placeholder image using the site logo, then a JavaScript function is called up to switch the to the listed images in order. This occurs over a specified timeOut function of 6000 seconds. CSS is further incorporated to allow for a customizable caption  box to appear on mouse over.

Integrated WordPress blogging platform
Fully customized to the websites needs, including it's own unique theme. The blog landing page allows for a post summary to be shown which is show on the home landing page. Full back-end support accessed via server login, with additional plugins for comment sign-ups and measures to prevent spam on comments.

Logical CSS implementation
My own template, including a reset, a blueprint CSS framework and a simple methodical layout with understandable comments and manageable categories. Incorporates the 960 grid system CSS layout, with corresponding values assigned to their targeted classes.

A selection of other areas of interest.

Website design and layouts
Various mock website layout's, useful for scale and depth and developing potential future opportunities. I use various frameworks from the 960 grid system, Bluetrip and YAML. Layout templates were also drawn out with content boxes devised and placed to provide an insight on how best to go about formulating the CSS.

Logo design 
An example of the logo used for my portfolio site, using a digitally created vector image in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Software/Scripts used through development
Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Illustrator. Wordpress. jQuery. Shadowbox. Oracle VM. LAMP. Putty. Cyberduck. Social Media Plugins.

Information Files
Dev CV 2012
Plain Text CV 2012