Radioplayer Attracts 5.7 Million Listeners

Posted 01 June, 2011

Encouraging figures have just been released for the BBC backed RadioPlayer site. Over a four-week period the non-for-profit site attracted 5.7 Million unique users, with 22.5 Million listening sessions launched from the list of 228 stations.

RadioPlayer went live in March 2011, with the plan of bringing together BBC and commercials stations all under one roof. The aim is to have all 400 registered Ofcom licenced stations using the site by the end of the year.

RadioPlayer chairman, Andrew Harrison said "This is a really encouraging first set of figures for RadioPlayer as it starts to grow a solid listener base.We look forward to building on this very positive foundation to create something that serves both industry and listeners alike".

The news of these figures coincide with the release of RadioPlayer's  'player building tool', a feature allowing smaller stations to create their own RadioPlayer console comparable with the likes of the bigger stations.

Go listen & see what you think....


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